Sunday, December 28, 2008

King of Chennai

Hi Friends,

After re-reading my last post, I must have sounded pretty damn depressed. Well, I was. But now I am doing much better and very determined to do better on my next set of exams.

A thing about medical school: BE RELENTLESS!

I don't think that idea can be reinforced enough and is kinda becoming my mantra for the next couple of years.

Anyway, Chennai has changed so much and I couldn't believe my own eyes at some of the things I've seen! Shopping malls (Somerset Collection-esque), gourmet restaurants and freaking KFC! The amount of modernization is amazing. From modern art like office buildings to 5 star hotels, I am kinda discombobulated by it all. I think I would like to visit this city one day strictly as a tourist.

I just got back from Thirupathi. My dad and I climbed the 3,55o steps to Thirumala. It was a definite physical challenge for my dad and I; I'm out of shape and he' out of shape and getting old. I'll post some pictures when I get back to Manipal because the internet in Chennai is too slow. My maternal grandfather is on his way as I type this to visit for a few days. That should be a nice ray of sunshine for a bit.

Other than that, I'm just slugging away at my text books. I'll update again, hopefully.

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